Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Is there a more hideous process than moving house?

Yes! Moving office as well.
And of course, in the middle of everything, Child Friendly Solutions experiences an unprecedented demand for play equipment. It's like some kind of twisted version of Murphy's Law, but bringing lots of good things all at the same time.
Obviously I'm not complaining. With the recession in full swing (or is it?) all new business is welcome.

Meanwhile, I've decided to create a little 'zen' corner in our office, in the hope that our good fortune continues and that pesky little recession scuttles off to wherever it came from.
My good friend Charle gave me this little stone goddess for my birthday two years ago. She also gave me an introduction to National Australia Bank and we have helped kit out several of their branches with Play Panels.
Now that's the kind of friend a girl in business needs! Spiritual inspiration and the slightly more 'earthly' inspiration of a flesh & blood client!

1 comment:

  1. Moving is a stressful job. Everything has to be packed and unpacked carefully. Special care has to be taken to do this. This can be simplified with the help of professional movers.
